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 @9LTNDRB from Texas disagreed…14hrs14H

Bro, if you raise the wages, the company employing them have to spend more so they're going to charge more for their pro…


 @9LVMLY4 from South Dakota disagreed…3mins3m

The body within your body is not your property, but the body of another human being which is being denied the right to l…

 @9LVMJW3 from South Dakota disagreed…6mins6m

A baby becomes a life from the time of conception because before becoming an embryo, it is not a human but is an unferti…

 @9LVMDN3 from South Dakota disagreed…10mins10m

I don't think there is any reason why both Nuclear Energy and these cleaner alternatives could both work.

 @9LVMDJS from Indiana disagreed…10mins10m

Why should our students now have to fear a teacher who is not trained in having a firearm on a daily basis. Just becaus…

 @9LVLZ6R from Ohio disagreed…22mins22m

That body is not your body so leave it alone. Even if it was an accident or rape that was NOT the babies fault.

 @9LVLTTZ from Florida disagreed…27mins27m

That is not safe, kids get too crazy, and even I wouldn't trust myself with a weapon around idiotic little kids

 @9LVLPH7 from North Carolina disagreed…31mins31m

I feel as if it should be taught in school. Kids need to know what’s going on in the world, they shouldn’t be left in th…

 @9LVLMKD from Ohio disagreed…32mins32m

If teachers were to bring guns into the schools what would in turn stop a student from taking the gun and turning it on…

 @9LVLGBN from Minnesota disagreed…41mins41m

it shouldn't be forced on students to learn it's not an important part of their education kids are allowed to be kids an…