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 @9NS9S4Y from Georgia answered…2hrs2H

The President should be able to authorize military force within the United States quickly however, I do believe that mil…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…3hrs3H

Yes, within US borders. Countries south of the US don't really want to stop the drugs - corruption and fraud is rampant…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…3hrs3H

With the foreign government's consent - and if there is incontrovertible evidence they have already attacked the United…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…3hrs3H

Congress has not declared war since the days following Pearl Harbor. We have not been "at war" since World War II. Doe…

 @9NRZBG5from Virgin Islands  answered…5hrs5H

Yes. And promote visas for those family members living in OFAC countries and let them come over as immigrants.

 @9NRZBG5from Virgin Islands  answered…5hrs5H

Yes, and form a public-private relationship with the companies, with regular audits, to make sure the information is cle…

 @9NR4TTY from Texas answered…14hrs14H

No, it wouldn't really make a difference in the long run and would waste U.S. resources more than do good

 @9NR23RW from Colorado answered…17hrs17H

Only if an attack on allied nation’s citizens/military bases is imminent and/or the specific mission requires top secrec…

 @9NR23RW from Colorado answered…17hrs17H

Only if an attack on US citizens/military bases is imminent and/or the specific mission requires top secrecy to succeed

 @9NQYFXD from Minnesota answered…19hrs19H

No, stay out of conflict that isn’t directly related to the US. Conflict should not be financially driven.

 @9NQXZ7Z from Massachusetts answered…20hrs20H

Not until we have a better understanding of AI and to not fall back in our military preparedness if needed.

 @9NQVP7L from Michigan answered…22hrs22H

Rumors from the southern border include drug runners in armored vehicles that the regular Border Patrol are helpless to…

 @9NQVP7L from Michigan answered…22hrs22H

The US government should avoid involvement in foreign affairs whenever possible while upholding its duty to protect Amer…