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  @Jcawolfson from Pennsylvania answered…13hrs13H

No, not without expressed permission from Congress. We should decriminalize drugs, which will likely hurt them more than…


 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…2hrs2H

Yes, unless the transaction is transparent and approved by relevant government agencies like the IRS or State Department

 @9NTH43Q from North Carolina answered…2hrs2H

Experimentation is fine, but AI should only be widely applied once it’s better regulated to ensure ethical risk and prev…

 @9NT9RF2 from Texas answered…4hrs4H

Yes, for operations within our country's borders and for the American Medical Association to lessen the reins on pain me…

 @9NSXCKZ from Virginia answered…11hrs11H

Yes but only as a defensive action against imminent attack. Congress must authorize all offensive actions that could lea…

 @9NSWTLS from Tennessee answered…11hrs11H

Yes, but only in cooperation with the Mexican government to assist them in stabilizing the situation

 @9NSPWZP from Arizona answered…15hrs15H

The president must have the power as Commander-in-Chief to react to threats, but prolonged military intervention must ha…

 @9NSPTCM from Colorado answered…15hrs15H

Yes, but only with evidence that they are planning an attack on US assets (troops, personnel, embassies, etc) or that th…

 @9NSP8TZ from South Carolina answered…16hrs16H

Only in finding known or suspected criminals after they’ve committed the crime they’re being sought out for

 @9NSK93S from New Jersey answered…17hrs17H

Yes, but only for a rapid response that is not prolonged and not without advising congressional leaders before taking ac…

 @9NS9S4Y from Georgia answered…20hrs20H

The President should be able to authorize military force within the United States quickly however, I do believe that mil…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…20hrs20H

Yes, within US borders. Countries south of the US don't really want to stop the drugs - corruption and fraud is rampant…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…20hrs20H

With the foreign government's consent - and if there is incontrovertible evidence they have already attacked the United…

 @9NS8J5G from New York answered…20hrs20H

Congress has not declared war since the days following Pearl Harbor. We have not been "at war" since World War II. Doe…

 @9NRZBG5from Virgin Islands  answered…23hrs23H

Yes. And promote visas for those family members living in OFAC countries and let them come over as immigrants.

 @9NRZBG5from Virgin Islands  answered…23hrs23H

Yes, and form a public-private relationship with the companies, with regular audits, to make sure the information is cle…