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 @9NNSG36 from Nebraska answered…2hrs2H

I feel like they have helped minorties advance in society but they've also caused resentment in some communities.

 @9NNNY5J from New York answered…4hrs4H

Yes, justices who lie, or are blatantly deceptive, in their confirmation hearing should be removed, and there should be…

 @9NNNY5J from New York answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but only when there is some culpability. (e.g. someone buying 100 automatic weapons for "personal use")

 @9NNJG6K from Minnesota answered…6hrs6H

No, unless the weapon in the violent crime was non-conforming to national regulations at the time of manufacture, or at…

 @9NNGXLB from Connecticut answered…6hrs6H

Yes as it's their right to, but the businesses aren't responsible for the actions of their consumers

 @9NN9QV5 from New Jersey answered…8hrs8H

They should be allowed to sue their state for allowing loose gun laws to the point where they had to become a victim of…

 @9NN3W9Z from New Jersey answered…9hrs9H

No, I think that term limits should be useful, but let the Supreme Court decide on the basis of the issue. Otherwise the…

 @9NN6HG7from Vermont  answered…10hrs10H

The Supreme Court should be reformed. It should be non partisan. There should be term limits. The appointment process sh…

 @9NN3W9Z from New Jersey answered…11hrs11H

Yes, use only to set term limits on judges to prevent corruption, but the Supreme Court should not be politicized.

 @9NMQWZN from Idaho answered…16hrs16H

Up to the teachers. But the teachers choose to go through training to acquire a gun and have license to teach gun safety…

 @9NMQF53 from Virginia answered…17hrs17H

Yes but also loosen their moderation when it comes to so called “hate speech” since the term is subjective and has been…

 @9NMMVKB from Florida answered…19hrs19H

Not manufacturers. only dealers if the dealer sold the gun to someone who didn't have the requirments to own one.

 @9NMGH7C from Wisconsin answered…24hrs24H

Yes, limit the amount of money, gifts, trips etc. a justice can receive since they amount to bribery