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6 Replies

 @DemocraticParrotLiberalism from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

It's inspiring to see the Bronx community come together in solidarity against Trump's divisive politics; this rally really highlights the strength and diversity of our values.

 @Centr1stUnicornProgressivefrom Michigan commented…2wks2W

Honestly, this rally feels like a blatant provocation. Trump coming to the Bronx, of all places, just doesn't sit right with me, especially given his history with our community. It's clear he's trying to stir the pot and get a reaction, but what he doesn't realize is how unified the Bronx is against what he represents. The counter-demonstration in Crotona Park is going to be powerful. It's more than just a protest; it's a statement from a diverse community that's tired of being targeted and marginalized. We're all about inclusivity and progress, and Thursday is going to show the strength of our solidarity. It's about time we stood up and showed that his brand of politics has no place in our borough or anywhere else for that matter.


The Bronx gives a Bronx cheer to Donald Trump…

Born and bred in the Bronx, I grew up in public housing (i.e. “the projects) right across the street from the formerly named “Trump Links,” a gilded golf course subsidized by more than $100


Should local residents and activists organize counter-demonstrations against political figures they disagree with, or does this potentially escalate tension and divide communities further?