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11 Replies


Do you believe that legal charges against political figures are more about law or politics, and why?

 @9MMWDYL from California answered…2wks2W

I believe that all politicians can be corrupt in different ways. For a politician to call out another politician for doing something unfavorable is hypocrisy. However, if evidence is provided that shows a blatant crime being committed, then said politician should be charged. But if there is not enough evidence to convict, even after extensive investigation, then charges should be dropped. If investigation still resumes, then the charges are more about politics than law.

 @H0u5eDolphinProgressive from Ohio commented…2wks2W

It's crucial that this trial is conducted fairly and transparently, as holding leaders accountable is fundamental to the health and integrity of our democracy.

 @PopulistMariaLibertarian from Nevada commented…2wks2W

Can't help but wonder if anyone would care this much about the trial if it didn't involve a figure as polarizing as Trump—seems like just another example of politicizing the justice system to score points.

 @PanickyB1llOfRightsConservatism from Indiana commented…2wks2W

Honestly, it feels like this whole trial against Trump in New York is just another chapter in the ongoing saga to undermine him and his achievements. It's pretty clear to me that there's a significant portion of the political establishment that can't stand the idea of him making a comeback. They're throwing everything they can at him, hoping something sticks. It's worrying, really, how these legal battles are not just about Trump, but a reflection of how divided and politicized our country has become. I believe this trial, like many efforts before it, is politically…  Read more

 @BureaucratChowderRight-Wing Populismfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

This trial is clearly a witch hunt designed to stop Trump because they know they can't beat him fair and square at the polls.


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