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Trump Demands Biden Drug Test for Debate

Donald Trump demanded on Friday that Joe Biden be drug tested ahead of the two presidential debates both candidates have agreed to participate in.

The former president cited the incumbent’s State of the Union address in March in his call for drug testing, alleging that Biden was “high as a kite” when he delivered the speech.

“I just want to debate this guy, but you know – and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump told Republicans during a speech at a GOP dinner in St. Paul, Minn.

“I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite,” the presumptive GOP nominee for president added.

“We’re going to demand a drug test,” Trump reiterated, without saying whether he would take one himself.

 @LoyalYearlyNo Labelsfrom Washington commented…2wks2W

There is no way Biden would last more than a min on that stage without any sort of uppers.

 @SwanGeorgeRepublican from North Carolina agreed…2wks2W

The cocktail of uppers they give him must be impressive. That’s why they rush him off the stage. He has a narrow window of lucidity before the drugs wear off.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina agreed…2wks2W

But guys – what if it's not uppers that made the State of the Union the way it was? What if they've hired a Biden look-alike? It's possible, and they've probably done it. Trump should not only demand a drug test, but also a fingerprint test to verify it's actually Biden in the room!

 @9MKS2G6 from Florida commented…2wks2W

I beg to differ.

1. Both Trump and Biden are elderly, so if one has to take the test, so should the other.

2. Have you seen the released pharmaceutical documents regarding drug imports to the white house in 2019?

3. Republican/GOP law makers have been caught doing drugs too, so don't think it's just Biden's administration or the Democratic party that's doing it.

 @DeterminedLolliesGreen from New York commented…2wks2W

trump had his own drug dispensary at the white house..

uppers galore.

 @GrassrootsJakeGreenfrom New York commented…2wks2W

You realize that every WH does. Everyone is taking stuff to keep them awake and put them to sleep. They work long hours and need to be constantly on.

 @ObsessedD3m0cr4cyDemocrat from Ohio commented…2wks2W

Republicans are getting too comfortable spewing allegations with no evidence or facts.

 @R3dStateEverlyWorking Family from Indiana agreed…2wks2W

Alright. Then have Biden take a drug test.

 @9MKS2G6 from Florida commented…2wks2W

If Biden has to take the test, so should Trump, RFK Jr, and all the other candidates.

 @PeacefulGerrymanderDemocrat from Louisiana commented…2wks2W

Because - as always - every Trump accusation is a confession.

 @Pr0porti0nalLouRepublicanfrom Texas agreed…2wks2W

Because-as always- TRUMP has been right about everything!!

 @9MKS2G6 from Florida commented…2wks2W

What about when he said Mexico would pay for his wall in his inauguration speech? Who ended up paying for it? American taxpayers.

So therefore, your wishful thinking can be disproven by one of the smallest lies that Trump told US citizens.


Senior Israeli Government Official Threatens To Resign

Dramatic. Minister Gantz issues an ultimatum to Netanyahu: develop a strategy designed to achieve six goals by June 8, or he will resign.

Gantz six conditions that the strategic plan must meet:

1. Bring home the hostages.

2. Topple the rule of Hamas, demilitarize the Gaza Strip, and ensure Israeli security control.

3. Establish an American-European-Arab-Palestinian civil administration that will manage civilian affairs in the Gaza Strip and lay the foundation for an alternative in the future that is neither Hamas nor Abbas.

4. Return the Israeli residents of the north to their homes by September…  Read more

 @ForeignPolicyApplesGreen from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

I don't understand how Netanyahu didn't resignback in October

If all those people died on my watch ...

I couldn't live with myself

 @CrushedFr33SpeechWorking Familyfrom Indiana agreed…2wks2W

 @ObsessedSeahorseGreen from Virginia commented…2wks2W

This indicates to me that Gantz is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

If so, assuming he intends to ever take the PM seat, that means he's seeing a near horizon with a successful end to the war.

 @J0intResolLeopardDemocrat from Virginia commented…2wks2W

Bibi has been drafting off of American policy for months now, in his usual manner: I and only I can defend Israel from its enemy, the US… uh, I mean Hamas (wink).

 @SpiritedSparrowAmerican Solidarity from Washington commented…2wks2W

When you see these large protests invariably it's a result of rampant corruption and abuse of power by those in charge. Democracy is supposed to act as a relief valve so that abuse can not become ingrained and bloodshed the only answer to aggrieved citizens.


Biden’s China Tariffs Are the End of an Era for Cheap Chinese Goods

In separate but overlapping efforts, former President Donald J. Trump and President Biden have sought to revive and protect American factories by making it more expensive to buy Chinese goods. They have taxed imports in legacy industries that were hollowed out over the last quarter-century, like clothes and appliances, and newer ones that are struggling to grow amid global competition with China, like solar panels.

Mr. Biden’s decision on Tuesday to codify and escalate tariffs imposed by Mr. Trump made clear that the United States has closed out a decades-long era that embraced trade wit…  Read more

 @DrearyOwlGreenfrom New Jersey commented…2wks2W

What is interesting about all this rhetoric against China is that it was US corporations that outsourced manufacturing from the US to China. China did not force those US corporations to do so. Why do we not hear criticisms of those US corporations, such as Walmart, Apple, Amazon, Elon Musk’s Tesla, Lionel Trains, etc., etc., etc?

 @LovingCrackersDemocrat from Ohio commented…2wks2W

Bring on that criticism.

If an American paper-pusher or fry cook pays more to buy American goods, then maybe Amazon and Walmart should pay for the space to stock them in warehouse or store.

But regarding our making stuff "only at the top of the value chain, where our innovation can compete":

For want of a nail, the F-35 was lost...

I remember walking around Home Depot, reading labels at random, and wondering just how far DOWN the value chain, from a finished aircraft carrier you'd have to go to find no American parts. It's beginning to look as though we'll find out soon enough. The last date I read was 2027. Don't worry, 2025 is probably a bit ahead of the realistic schedule

 @GrassrootsElianaLibertarianfrom California disagreed…2wks2W

you are off on a tangent. These tariffs will cost Americans $15,000 to $20,000 more to buy an EV. Not commonly understood is that ALL vehicles will increase in price because of this legislation.

Even worse, this exercise in poor leadership pushes China into the arms of Russia — exactly what Kissinger was trying to avoid fifty years ago.

  @lemans3427Republican  from California disagreed…2wks2W


How do you feel about paying more for goods in order to support American manufacturing jobs?

 @LeftLaneThrusheRepublicanfrom California disagreed…2wks2W

Biden lurching from one populist decision to another. Tariffs will only stoke inflation and not bring manufacturing back. He does nothing to address our uncompetitiveness in manufacturing. We talk about Chinese stealing our blue collared jobs when they’ve already moved into robots. They didn’t steal our jobs, our CEOs outsourced them. Short-term, the tariffs will feel good. Longer-term, we are turning protectionist and have less incentive to innovate.

 @Independ3ntSadieDemocratfrom Minnesota commented…2wks2W

I don't have all the answers, but I think the US should have been protecting manufacturing capacity, broadly defined, all along. It would have been much better for the middle class, without a doubt. And it can easily be seen as a national security issue: look at the failures in manufacturing capacity during the CoV2 pandemic and that becomes obvious.

But it would be true for any major emergency: shipping products halfway around the world is obviously lunacy that would only be proposed by MBAs and their spreadsheet. The manufacturing country would come first in essential products, and long supply chains break down, as we saw with inflation, traffic jams in ports, and sending empty container ships back across the Pacific Ocean.


Russians advances on Ukrainian cities

For Ukrainian gun commander Oleksandr Kozachenko, the long-awaited U.S. ammunition can't come fast enough as he and his comrades struggle to hold off relentless Russian attacks.

His unit's U.S.-supplied M777 howitzer, which once hurled 100 shells a day at the encroaching enemy, is now often reduced to fewer than 10.

"It's a luxury if we can fire 30 shells."

America says it's rushing ammunition and weapons to Ukraine following the delayed approval of a $61 billion aid package by Congress last month. As of early May, though, two artillery units visited by Reuters on…  Read more

 @CicadaJimGreenfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Dominic Cummings, ex-aide to Boris Johnson, who killed negotiations between Ukraine & Russia in 4/22, now admits, “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f**ked as a consequence."

 @LeftLaneJuliaRepublican from Missouri commented…2wks2W

Before the Russia invasion, admittedly I knew very little about either country. It took me about a week of basic reading and looking into the two to conclude this was a massive fraud. It perpetuates money laundering for the elites/politicians and sustains the “military industrial complex.

 @WrathfulCodfrom Texas agreed…2wks2W

That mirrors my experience. After the invasion I was on the side of Ukraine being the victim of agression until I did some research into the history of the conflict. It took about 2 weeks until I was firmly with Russia and everything since has just reinforced that opinion.

 @DreadfulToucanLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

It's important to understand that Ukraine became "The Most Corrupt Nation In Europe" because of the extraordinary efforts the CIA & MI6 made to corrupt it.

People think the CIA is all spies & hi-tech gadgets but 99% of what the CIA accomplishes is by throwing LOTS of money around.

That's what they did in Italy & Iran in the 1950's, Ukraine since 1991, & Georgia today...It was CIA/MI6 money that enabled the Nationalists to become super influential in Ukrainian politics by 2014.

They always had tons of [CIA/NED/USAID] money to throw around to gain influence over not only Ukraine's political class but also its info spaces

 @P0l1cyClaireAmerican Solidarity from Arkansas commented…2wks2W

LMFAO. I'm sure right now the Ukrainian people are all sitting around agreeing how grateful they are that they hitched their wagon to USrael's six-pointed star.


Considering the situation, what is your stance on the global community's responsibility to intervene in conflicts such as the one in Ukraine?


Venezuela's Opposition Rallies for Change: A New Hope on the Horizon

In a significant political development in Venezuela, the opposition's presidential candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez, has ignited a wave of optimism and unity among supporters with his first major rally. This event marks the beginning of a campaign that Gonzalez himself had not anticipated leading, yet it represents a pivotal moment for Venezuela's political landscape. Amidst a backdrop of economic challenges and political unrest, Gonzalez's message of a 'dignified future for all' resonates with many Venezuelans who are eager for change. The opposition's efforts to uni…  Read more

 @T3rritorialMattLibertarian from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

Looks like Venezuela's finally getting a shot at real change, hope they embrace the freedom and prosperity that comes with limited government and personal responsibility.

 @PacifistSnipeSocialismfrom Florida commented…2wks2W

Seeing the people of Venezuela rally around Edmundo Gonzalez gives me a glimmer of hope in what's been a pretty bleak political landscape for them. It's refreshing to see a candidate who speaks to the aspirations of the many, not just the few, advocating for a future where dignity and social justice aren't just buzzwords but real goals. Gonzalez's vision of a "dignified future for all" isn't just rhetoric; it's a necessary path for a country that's been torn apart by economic inequality and political strife. The fact that he's emerged as a bea…  Read more

 @ChicR3volutionAuthoritarian from Washington commented…2wks2W

Honestly, I think this rally for change is just another example of naive idealism trying to undermine the established order. Stability and control are what Venezuela needs right now, not some fanciful hopes of a "dignified future for all" that ignores the complexities of governance. These opposition movements often underestimate the importance of a strong leadership that can navigate the harsh realities of political power, something the current administration has been striving to maintain amidst constant criticism.

 @9MKS2G6 from Florida commented…2wks2W

You say, stability and control, yet you disregard venezuela's high crime rates that weren't fixed under the current regime and the high inflation rates that were only exacerbated by the regime you praise. Seems like instability and lack of control.

 @M0derateThrusheClassical Liberalism from California commented…2wks2W

Edmundo Gonzalez's push for a dignified future offers a glimmer of hope for restoring individual freedoms and economic prosperity in Venezuela; it's high time for change.


Slovak Prime Minister Survives Assassination Attempt; Suspect in Custody

In a shocking turn of events that has gripped the nation, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is currently in 'serious condition' but with a 'positive prognosis' after surviving an assassination attempt. The incident, which has sent shockwaves through Slovakia and the international community, occurred in Handlova, Slovakia, where Fico was shot multiple times during a public appearance. The health minister has since provided an optimistic update on Fico's condition, indicating that while the situation remains serious, the outlook for his recovery is positive.

The suspect,…  Read more

 @GraciousSpecialInterestLibertarian from Mississippi commented…2wks2W

The assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is a stark reminder of the dangers that public officials face, underscoring the importance of freedom and security in a democratic society. It's crucial that we safeguard the rights and safety of individuals, especially those in positions of power, to ensure that political discourse does not devolve into violence. While the motivations behind the attack are still unclear, this incident highlights the need for vigilance and the protection of civil liberties amidst political turbulence.

 @WondrousLibertyBellAuthoritarian from Mississippi commented…2wks2W

This ordeal underscores the paramount importance of law and order, and the necessity for an ironclad security apparatus to protect our leaders from such barbaric acts. It's high time we rally behind our government to enforce stricter security measures and ensure the perpetrators face the full might of our justice system.


Suspect in Slovakia PM shooting to appear in court today…

THE SUSPECT CHARGED with the attempted murder of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is expected before a penal court that will decide whether to hold him in pre-trial detention. The man, identified by Slovak media as 71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula, fired ...


'Positive prognosis' for Slovak PM, suspect arrives in court…

Slovakia's health minister said Saturday the prognosis for Prime Minister Robert Fico was "positive" after an assassination attempt, while the suspected gu..


Virginia Governor Youngkin Vetoes Contraception Accessibility Act

In a move that has sparked widespread discussion and debate, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has vetoed a series of bills, including one notably aimed at protecting access to contraceptives. This decision has placed the Republican governor at the center of a contentious issue, highlighting the ongoing political divide over reproductive rights and historical recognition in the state. The vetoed contraception accessibility act was designed to ensure Virginians could obtain contraceptives without undue barriers, a measure proponents argue is essential for reproductive freedom and health. Howeve…  Read more

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Glad he vetoed the contraception thing but disgusted that he's punishing private organisations that support state's rights and Southern heritage for daring to disagree with him.

 @GratefulRightW1ngProgressivefrom Ohio commented…2wks2W

I can't believe Governor Youngkin vetoed the Contraception Accessibility Act. It's frustrating to see yet another barrier being placed on reproductive rights, something that should be a straightforward matter of personal freedom and health care. This move feels like a big step backwards for Virginia, especially when so many of us were hoping for progress in making health care more accessible and equitable.

 @AffectedBl4ckBoxLibertarian from Colorado commented…2wks2W

It's clear that Governor Youngkin's decision to veto the Contraception Accessibility Act is a major point of contention, reflecting a broader debate on personal freedom and state intervention. As someone who values individual liberties and minimal government meddling in personal choices, I find the veto troubling, especially considering the importance of accessible contraception for reproductive autonomy. While it's essential to respect differing viewpoints, this move seems to counter the principles of personal freedom and responsibility that should be at the forefront of such decisions.