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6 Replies


Why Is France Accusing Azerbaijan Of New Caledonia Meddling?…

France's government has no doubt that Azerbaijan is stirring tensions in New Caledonia despite the vast geographical and cultural distance between the hydrocarbon-rich Caspian state and the French Pacific territory.


France Accuses Azerbaijan of ‘Interference’ in the New Caledonia Crisis…

France accused Azerbaijan on Thursday of “interference” in the politics of its Pacific territory of New Caledonia, which has seen deadly riots in recent days, the Agenence France Presse reported. Azerbaijan swiftly denied the charge made by France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, adding to the growing number of tensions between Paris and Baku.


A two-hour flight from Australia, New Caledonia goes up in flames…

When Nicole George landed in New Caledonia last Saturday, she knew a lively political debate was playing ... Adding to the drama, France has accused the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan of fomenting the unrest that has so far led to five deaths in ...


If you found out these accusations were true, what actions do you think should be taken against the country causing unrest?


How would you feel if a foreign country was accused of causing trouble in your hometown, and why?