Try the political quiz

9 Replies


How might the rise of a dominant religious ideology in a country affect its minority communities?

 @9M4CZB8 from California answered…4wks4W

It could push out the minority communities and make them leave those areas because of the other religion, but that's not always the case


Do you believe a country's identity should be closely tied to a specific religion, and why or why not?

 @9M3P8DBGreen from California answered…1mo1MO

No, I do not believe a country's identity should be closely tied to a specific religion, because I feel that everyone's religions should be accepted and you should have the right to not be religious if you live in a super religious country.


How would you feel if your government prioritized one religion over others, and how might it impact your sense of belonging?

 @9M3P8DBGreen from California answered…1mo1MO

I think I would probably be a bit personally offended, and I feel that all religions, no matter their grip on the country should be equal.


Rising Hindu nationalism leaves Muslims fearful in India’s holy city…

The Hindu-nationalist right wing, she said, “is not even trying to hide it anymore. And it’s troublesome.” With voting now underway in the world’s most populous nation, a significant portion of its ... No political party in country is strong ...


‘No one is bigger than him’: On the campaign trail with India’s popular yet divisive leader…

They also warn that Modi’s brand of Hindu nationalism is uncorking dangerous religious divides in a country with a long and tragic history of sectarian bloodletting. The BJP’s national spokesperson has previously said the party is not prejudiced ...


View from the Himalayas | Nepal is a Hindu country but embracing Hindutva is not on its political agenda…

After all, India and Nepal are the only two Hindu-majority countries in the world, with the share of their Hindu population standing close to 80%; 81.19% in Nepal’s case according to the 2021 census.