Try the political quiz

11 Replies


What do you think is more effective in resolving conflicts, military action or diplomatic dialogue, and why?

 @9LQM4WK from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

 @9LQJ865 from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO

diplomatic dialogue because why on earth would it be necessary to whip out guns and kill people when you can attempt to talk about it


How would you feel if your hometown was suddenly caught in the middle of an international conflict like the one in Syria?

 @9LQGGJD from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

try and find a bunker to hide in and protect yourself and your loved ones.


Rockets fired from Iraq towards US base in Syria, Fatah slams Hamas for stealing aid

Kataib Hezbollah fire rockets at US military base • Fatah admits Hamas kills aid workers to steal food • Pro-Palestinian groups takeover US campuses, praise terror groups


Multiple Rockets Fired at US Military Base in Syria from Iraq…

Iraqi security forces and a senior army officer reported that a small truck with a rocket launcher fixed to its back had been parked in Zummar, a town on the border with Syria. The destroyed truck was seized for further investigation, with initial findings indicating it was targeted by an airstrike.


Rockets fired at US base in Syria from Iraq

The rocket attack on a small U.S.-led coalition outpost in northeastern Syria is the first one in the region since early February.

 @SereneChoughProgressive from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

This latest attack just highlights the urgent need for more diplomatic and humanitarian solutions, rather than military ones, to address the conflicts in the Middle East.

 @ActivistArielLibertarianfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, seeing the US get tangled up in another Middle Eastern conflict is just frustrating. It's like we never learn from our past mistakes. We should be focusing on defending our own borders and citizens, not getting involved in endless conflicts overseas that drain our resources and put our troops in harm's way for unclear objectives. Plus, this kind of interventionism just breeds resentment and potentially creates more enemies in the long run. It's high time we embraced a non-interventionist foreign policy and let these regions handle their own affairs.


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