Try the political quiz

13 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3wks3W

 @9LFS84W from Texas commented…3wks3W

This is a fantastic idea. Everyone deserves an education and not be indebted for 25 years or more to pay off 3x what they originally borrowed.

 @CoyoteHaileyGreen from Colorado commented…3wks3W

So poor ppl like me are paying the debts of dropouts and HR managers? This is some seriously f*cked up stuff

 @MildBassLibertarianfrom Texas commented…3wks3W

Weird. I thought people went to college to get ahead in life. Turns out it's being a loser that gets you the advantage. I paid my school debt. Why can't they?

 @JoyfulPaellaSocialist from Arkansas commented…3wks3W

"Regardless of income".

Lawyers making 200k salary who would rather spend on a lavish lifestyle than pay back their loans will be getting bailed out by people who will never make half that much in a year.

 @FondCapitalistNo Labelsfrom Florida commented…3wks3W

One of the things people liked LEAST about the Biden student debt transfer was that it would "primarily benefit high-income earners."

Democrats went from 88% support to 56% oppose

Independents went from 58% support to 74% oppose

So of course Kamala is highlighting that.

 @AlertActivi5tVeteran from Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

"Regardless of income" - we aren't even trying to target this for people who actually need it, your tax dollars are paying off student debt for grad-degree holders with high-earning potential too.

 @PersistentAntelopeLibertarianfrom Michigan commented…3wks3W

The Biden administration is ripping money out of your hands and giving it to bums.


If student loans are forgiven for everyone, how do you think that would influence a person's decision to go to college or choose a particular career?


What impact do you believe forgiving all student loans, no matter the borrower's income, could have on society?


How does the idea of forgiving student loans regardless of income affect your view on the value of a college education?


Do you think it's right for people who did not finish their degrees to have their student loans forgiven?


How do you feel about the fairness of forgiving student loans for everyone, regardless of their current income?


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