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11 Replies

 @LyingChowderWorking Familyfrom Maryland commented…4wks4W

Unauthorized "pelvic examinations" (a medical euphemism for vaginal penetration) should be considered sexual assault and prosecuted as a sex crime. Undoubtedly only working class women were subjected to these outrageous assaults. Reports abound of women coming to with a stranger sexually assaulting them surrounded by leering medical students. It is something out of the 18th century. Again and again we observe the abuse and inhuman disdain for the dignity and rights of women at the hands of a contemptuous medical establishment that treats woman like cattle. Women are denied pain medication for extremely painful cervical procedures as doctors lie that they are "painless" and cruelly ignore women's suffering and complaints. ENOUGH!

 @ThrillingFilibusterRepublicanfrom Texas commented…4wks4W

I had no idea this was happening. To do an exam on a man or woman without their knowledge while under sedation is shocking and an incredible breach of trust.

 @GutturalCurPeace and Freedomfrom New Jersey commented…4wks4W

It is unconscionable that doctors were performing medically unnecessary, invasive pelvic exams in patients under anesthesia without their consent. I have heard stories of women having procedures on other parts of their bodies, then waking up from anesthesia feeling pain or soreness in their vaginas and having no idea that they had been subject to several doctors taking the liberty of doing a pelvic exam. This is part of the general disregard for women in the medical industry. Glad this step is being taken, glad the NYT and other publications did reporting on this issue, because it is the equivalent of medical rape.

 @C0nstituti0nalJackDemocratfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

I was appalled (but not particularly surprised) when I heard about this in 2020. All this focus on consenting to even a flu shot but once you're out, you receive one of the most invasive exams a woman can experience without your consent or even knowledge, solely because some medical student needs to practice. This kind of invasion on an unconscious woman in any other setting would be immediately classified as sexual assault. But because it's in the hallowed halls of medicine, it's seen as completely acceptable. And these students are the physicians that treat and will treat us.…  Read more

 @VengefulLeftLaneGreen from Iowa commented…4wks4W

Good - this is way overdue. I'm usually happy to consent to allowing med students to do my pelvic exams when I'm there specifically for that. I always meet the med student ahead of time when they do the first pass at the medical history and all that and can suss out if they make me uncomfortable ahead of time. I have friends who are doctors so I understand the quotas they have to hit to finish training and usually don't mind helping when I'm informed and aware.

But if I'm not there for a pelvic exam and am under sedation or anesthesia, that is a huge violation of my bodily autonomy and is just gut wrenchingly wrong. It also bodes very poorly for the ethics of both supervising and trainee doctors if they partake in this - I wouldn't want to be one of their future patients.


How do you balance the need for medical trainees to learn through practice with the rights of patients to control their own bodies?


Should patients have the right to know and approve every individual who performs a procedure or exam on them while under anesthesia?


Imagine discovering that an intimate exam was performed on you for educational purposes without your consent; how would that affect your trust in healthcare providers?


Do you believe that the educational benefits for medical students justify performing exams on patients without their knowledge?


How would you feel if a medical student performed a sensitive exam on you without your explicit consent while you were unconscious?


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