Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Consumerism ‎


Which do you think contributes more to personal happiness: collecting experiences or possessions, and why?

 @9KFR2FY  from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

collecting experiences im very much a less is more type of person. No one NEEDS a huge mansion or 3 personal jets. Im not saying it's bad to have certain things like that but the people who do always buy more then whats reasonable.

 @9KN5DCC from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

Having more in life can make you happy because you are getting the objects in life that can make you happy.

 @9KFR2FY  from Arizona commented…3mos3MO

How does having more than 1 jet bring someone more happiness? It doesn't their brain chemistry is so off that the idea of having more than someone else gives them endorphins...