Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9JTVKP3 from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

this is an idealistic position any country/civilization that takes this position first will be crushed by the ones that don't take it. this position also assumes that humanity is perfectible under our own power which is not true obviously as the worst atrocities have been done in the twentieth and twenty first century.

 @EnderKilgannon  from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

Humans have been killing each other for each other's things, be that land, food, resources, etc. for millennia, it doesn't change despite the more peaceful options. It's naive to think just because there is a peaceful option that 100% of the human race will pick it, and even then if majority does, there will always be small enclaves of people who disagrees with it and will bolster enough support to attack another group. War is as human as humans get.

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