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Is Kim Jong-un Really Planning an Attack This Time?

 @SeahorsePeteGreen from Indiana commented…5mos5MO

with all the pathetic right winger dictators rising all over the world, I foresee lots of violence in the future. so sad and pathetic that we have to go through this all over again.

 @WingedWildfowlSocialistfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

Like zelensky and his bandera fascist group who killed and terrorized ethnic russians in east Ukraine?

 @WingedWildfowlSocialistfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

Well Ukranian celebrated live on Television when Ukranian fascists Riots burned down the Administration building in Odesa burning innocent alive many died on that day . Look it up for yourself and tell me again its russian propaganda.

 @RadiantMareRepublicanfrom Texas commented…5mos5MO

2014 be honest to yourself and research both sides view of the conflict on that day without directly accusing Ukranian ethnic russians are the the one who are the only one who caused the conflict because its simply not true

 @SeahorsePeteGreen from Indiana commented…5mos5MO

wait, 2014...when did Russia invade and annex parts of Ukraine's eastern regions?

 @RadiantMareRepublicanfrom Texas commented…5mos5MO

Accept the fact that Ukranian fascist fked around in east Ukraine terrorized murdered the ethnical russians for many many years and now they are in the find out Stage for doing so. Be neutral and have an objective Overlook. West Ukraine had till recently lol an Museum

 @SeahorsePeteGreen from Indiana commented…5mos5MO

I am being neutral. Tell me when Russia invaded and annexed parts of eastern Ukraine.