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4 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

And how can you deduce that? Are there in detail records about ancient weather cycles? Or is this returning to the very fallacious reasoning I rebuffed at the start of this debate? Even if you had tangible data about the distant past, the warming trends would "not [be] NEARLY as high" because the earth was already considerably warmer than it is now, and how do we not know the warming trends weren't this high at the start of that period of normality that came before the Little Ice Age? Do you honestly know what you're talking about, or this what CNN has told you?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Because we literally mapped the warming trends from those times. Look up “Mini Ice Age Climate Change Map”. The dipping effects were a minuscule amount in comparison to a massive spike over the last 200 years.

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

You still never answered Patriot #1776's question – do we have detailed records of weather before AD 900? As far as I know, the basic modern thermometer hadn't even been INVENTED yet!

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