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Houthi rebels say US will pay a ‘heavy price’ for strikes

 @ReformSnipeRepublican from Arizona commented…5mos5MO

When are we going to acknowledge that we are at war with Iran...and have been since 1979. The Houthis are Iran. Hamas is Iran. Hezbollah is Iran. Islamic Jihad is Iran.

Iran is head of the snake. But Biden/Obama empowered Iran and lifted sanctions and gave them pallets of cash.

 @GraciousActivistSocialist from Alaska commented…5mos5MO

America has now bombed and conducted illegal wars in:

- Iraq

- Syria

- Libya

- Somalia

- Pakistan

- Afghanistan

- Palestine

- Yemen

But Muslims are the terrorists?

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington agreed…5mos5MO

Here's the true foreign police, as George Washington, one of the greatest men who ever lived, put it – "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." I am a conservative to the core, but I believe in peace and international neutrality just as I believe in free markets and individual liberty. The two are not opposites, as fashionable opinion alleges, but perfectly compatible. I'd like to see the GOP kick out the neocons and return to true republican principles.