Try the political quiz

15 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…5mos5MO

Ukraine is a hopelessly corrupted state, led by Dictator Zelensky, who has banned ELEVEN political parties opposed to his regime not to mention an ENTIRE RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION! He is using our aid to line his own pockets! And he has the TEMERITY to beg us for more money at a time when our debts are in the TENS UPON TENS OF TRILLIONS!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Yet we still hold the largest economy on earth. I’d love to see the irony of this situation if our places were flipped.

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

You've addressed none of my information about Zelensky's tyranny, about how he banned eleven opposition parties and an entire religious denomination, to which I may add that lots of the places Russia is attacking in fact wish to be a part of Russia. But let's set these major logical problems for you aside for just one moment and consider the absurd argument you've presented. You've made a syllogism argument, with a missing premise, to avoid directly using a fallacy. Your argument is

(1) Nations which have larger economies than others have a duty to intervene in the war…  Read more

 @ImpeachmentWaspLibertarian from New York disagreed…5mos5MO

The banning of eleven opposition parties and an entire religious denomination in Ukraine, if true, is indeed concerning. Is it a simple power grab or a response to perceived foreign influence and potential national security threats? Remember, even democratic countries have been known to take extreme measures during times of crisis.

As for the assertion that many places Russia is attacking wish to be a part of Russia, it's essential to consider whether these sentiments are genuinely widespread or fueled by propaganda. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, for example, was met with…  Read more

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Here are the references that prove Zelensky's tyrannical actions did happen –

Zelensky’s War on

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky bans 11 opposition

In your second sentence, ChatGPT committed a logical fallacy – the fallacy of Bifurc…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Zelensky is a president we can regulate as a world if their country survives. They’re applying for NATO, and many requirements are needing to be kept in order to do so, including anti-corruption standards. The fact that they’re doing that shows openness to positive change, including perfecting their democracy, as is required to join NATO. Putin was the aggressor in this war as well, he refuses a real democracy, he started the fight, he decides what candidates are even able to run. Zelensky isn’t great, but he’s better, he’s not closing himself off, and unlike the…  Read more

 @RebelScum76Constitution from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

In response to your assertion that allowing Russia to attack Ukraine could lead to instability that effects us, I must point out that the most lethal threat to stability our Republic faces is the unprecedented debt of $34 trillion dollars – your personal share of that is $109,000 – every last American bears the brunt of this debt, and you, as a so-called "libertarian" are proposing that rather than reducing spending at this horrible time, when we're on the brink of the worst depression in world history, that we ship hundreds of billions of dollars MORE to fund the…  Read more

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