Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @AutumnEternalSocialist  from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

In theory, it could possibly stand as a launching off point for the beginning of a lasting relationship, but it must be followed up

 @9H37RYY from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

I think it could have a very large impact on todays issues. Government officials have beliefs that they support, and should enter a meeting with a plan and agenda for what they would like to get out of the meeting.

 @9H37RV5Democrat from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

I think it could have positive and negative impacts depending how they care for it or how Biden handles the situation.

 @9H37T27 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

 @9H382X3 from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

Not very much however it is best to suppress your rivals whenever possible so I support Biden in his attempts to suppress China and to not be seen as weak as perception is very important.

 @9H38B3N from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

It could change everything between the two countries. the meeting could start a war, let them have peace, change trade forever, or have tension between the countries for a long time.

 @9H37NWG from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

I don't think one meeting can have a huge impact on anything. If many meetings then maybe.

 @9H3BQ6S from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

I think it can have a good amount of impact. With such powerful leaders, issues can be hashed out in a matter of days.


Maybe because he can be in between on wanting to change something but will forget of what it is.

 @9H37V4L from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

I think his goal should be trying to patch the relationship because we're better together than apart.