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What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce th…

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

Top Disagreement

I am against abortion because I believe that all humans should have human rights. An unborn baby is without a doubt a human being.

 @9GRPRJM from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

A fetus has no idea what is going on, and they will not miss a life that they couldn’t even comprehend they could’ve had. If all humans should have human rights, then women should have the right to not infringe on their bodies with a baby they don’t even want to begin with.

 @9GN9LV2 from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

A newborn doesn't understand anything either, but killing a newborn baby is wrong. Why is it wrong to kill a child 5 minutes after birth, but totally fine 5 minutes before birth? If you believe in all human's equal worth, then abortion must be wrong. Listen up, I was also pro-abortion a few months ago, with the same argument as you. I also thought it was disgusting when some states started to ban abortion. Later I started to expose myself to pro-life arguments and I slowly started to change my mind. Pro-choicers (Including the younger me) are convinced that abortion must be okay and…  Read more