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20 Replies

 @9FV3YRV from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns cause harm. Having more guns in people's hands only increases the chances of gun-caused harm to our children.

 @9FTR5TT from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Not only do teachers and schools have rules in place for school shootings, but having teachers carry guns in a public place like a school with kids can make them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Having a gun on you will not prevent a school shooting, stricter gun laws will.

 @9FVBD7N from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Bringing guns into the school environment will not create a safer place for children. If anything it will make accident more common and likely if you are increasing the number of weapons around children.

 @9FW4HJ7 from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

If teachers were allowed guns in schools, then that would only set a precedent that allows firearms from anybody. It would be very easy for a student to take the gun off the teacher, or easier for an unstable teacher to use it to much greater effect than a student.

 @9FTVYMB from Tennessee disagreed…8mos8MO

I agree that the school shooting over the past decade is an ongoing problem, but responding with teachers having guns in the classroom could lead to potential accidents. I think a better and compromising alternative would be to have trained guards and security officials defending the school on the outside away from the kids and machinery.

 @9FW6S2Z from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Having more guns in the building would increase the chances of a school shooting, even if a child grabs a teacher's gun and is able to hurt atleast 1 person, its still a failure to protect all children.

 @9FTW7VQ from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't agree on teachers having fire arms in school shooting due to the fact that many teachers could abuse there power and some teachers could be the cause of a school shooting. Its best if no one is armed but the schools resource officer.

 @9FTQPS3 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that teachers should not be allowed to have guns for multiple reasons. One is because what if they do not know how to use a gun then they can hurt themselves and other people. 2 what if a student get the gun and hurts a kid or themselfs or something. 3 what if the teacher gets mad at someone and uses that to solve the situation.

 @9FTQ6JB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why funnel further guns into the schools? With a higher presence of guns in school, the higher presence of kids getting their hands on guns. Instead of solving the school shooting problem with more guns, we need to stop people from obtaining these guns through gun reform.

 @9FTPNQ6 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers having guns in the classroom would cause more danger to students because children can get to the gun, or teachers can use the gun while under distress from their temper.

 @9FV9NMJ from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers should not be allowed guns in the classroom setting for a plethora of reasons. One being that it could get compromised by one of the students and that could go horribly wrong. Secondly, this is not the teachers responsibility this is the counties and police department to make sure children and teachers are safe especially during education hours. Lastly, not all teachers are good teachers there have been many incidents where teachers have abused students whether it be mentally or physically and could possibly shoot a student.

 @9FV3ZVP from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The solution to school shootings is not to have more guns in the classroom. All studies show that more guns always lead to more shootings. Adding more guns in schools will just exacerbate the issue.

 @9FTYMCT from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

At that point, you are placing all students, as well as all others in the school, at risk of what may happen if that weapon ends up in the wrong hands or is used accidentally or incorrectly. Bringing a weapon into school immediately increases the chance that any of those things may occur, no matter who the firearm belongs to. This would also require teachers to be trained in how to properly use and store a gun, which should not be their first priority. Teachers already have the responsibility of providing for the growth, learning, and safety of their students and so they shouldn't have…  Read more

 @9FTTQ58 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns shouldn´t even be allowed into a school, a teacher having a gun will just increase school shootings because a student could just grab a cause one. They should just do checks and make sure every kid is weaponless.

 @9FTR2LP from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

The doubling in school shootings could be helped if teachers had accessibility to a weapon but as with any weapon there is always risk

 @9FTPD6HRepublican  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Teachers that are citizens of the US and have no felonies should be able to carry a pistol with them

 @9FTCXX3Republican from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

This would only increase shootings, as you may never know if a teacher decides to shoot students within the classroom. This will only lead to more shootings, and I believe a good way to solve shootings is to put more gun restrictions, increase police activity near schools, and to increase security in schools.

 @9FW2G77 from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that they should cause when school shooting do happen the teacher would be prepared and there to help but it is also scary to know that they have it. But they should have a school police officer armed just in case stuff happens like that.

 @9FVV27BWomen’s Equality from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers shouldn't be able to have guns because the chances are that it is loaded and what if a little kid accidentally gets to it,and triggers it then it would be bad.

 @9FVT89T from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Although this could be true in some circumstances, teachers having guns will put more students and staff at risk each and every day becuase some students cant be trusted and schools are unsafe.


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