Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9FTSFGKRepublican from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

In some cases, abortion should be allowed like rape. other than that instance people should just be more mindful of what they're doing, they know the consequences and there are always adoption centers.

 @9FSN9RQGreen from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

I sort of agree, but they seem pretty unmoving in other circumstances that could lead to an abortion. They have a pretty extremist view on it. I disagree with abortion, but not necessarily if the abortion is for the safety of the mother, or due to rape or incest, or other circumstances. Also, extensive health services should be available for people who have children who are unable to take care of it, and they can offer their kids up for adoption.

 @Jessii28Women’s Equality  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe in prochoice. To me everyone has a say so when it comes to a women body, but no one is feeling anything she's going through but her. if a women decided she wasn't ready for a child yet and decide to terminate her pregnant a don't see anything wrong with that. As long as women doesn't use an abortion as a birth control then a don't have much to say.

 @9FSNBGQ from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Many times people didn't have a choice to do sex. What about anyone that was raped, including children? Try telling them to be more careful and see what happens. Giving birth a child from that incident is damaging to the parent and will affect the child's life.

 @9FSNB8T from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Not everybody is given education on how to have safe sex, others also are sexually abused and raped it isn't always something they CHOSE to do. Therefore they should get the choice if they keep it or not and explain to their kid that their father or mother was a rapist.

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