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Should undocumented immigrants be offered in-state tuition rates at public colleges within their res…


 @9F8B5FV from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

no they should not because many Americans are struggling to find jobs, get into colleges and lack the support they need when they need help with providing either for their family or themselves. many illegal immigrants are taking our jobs and causing more poverty and over population in certain parts of our country and its not fair that they can come to our country and take our jobs or have the government support the when our own citizens are struggling and are not getting much help if any because of them.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

So then do you support guaranteeing free college to all US citizens, or do you actually just hate everyone? Because you can't just use "Americans" as a prop to further deny resources to immigrants if you don't even actually support providing free resources to citizens either...

 @9L88VD3  from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

What made you jump to that conclusion? Illegal immigrants should be deported, not given favorable tuition rates for in state residents. I will agree there's a lot wrong with our education system, and tuition is inflated all around. Many students pursue degrees that are useless in helping them provide for themselves in a career, and either their parents pay out the anoos for it or the students themselves go into debt. We should stress the importance of choosing a degree that can actually help a student get a good job or career, and present alternatives to university like trade schools.…  Read more