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10 Replies

 @9HJD9JJ from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

Transgender athletes have the right to participate in activities they love as themselves. Such claims may be true, but there are other solutions to this problem than simply to ban transgender athletes. We could create their own division, but then again that would be isolating and may feel like we are trying to segregate them. And there are not only two birth genders, we often forget entirely that intersex people exist as well, people born with both male and female genetic and/or physical traits. What about them? So many times, people try and argue that Transgender athletes should not compete in the division for their gender, but they never offer solutions other than to ban them. So, what should we do?

 @Liam_Hetland from Texas commented…6mos6MO

Competing in the same league as the sex you have at birth would be more fair in terms of biological makeup, yet they’ll claim it’s unfair in terms of chemical makeup, which would probably be true. A separate league is really the only solution, yet again, it will result in outrage and plus, it is unlikely it will sustain nearly as much funding as seen with men’s vs women’s basketball.

Now on the topic of intersex, it is difficult to determine as much as it is to live with. Generally however there is a clear difference with how the child develops. The standard case of…  Read more

 @9HJC6T9 from California agreed…6mos6MO

Yes, there is a biological difference between XX and XY chromosomes. By letting a transgender female compete with biological females on any level is a clear unfair advantage to the transgender. Imagine LeBron transitioned and joined the WNBA, in what universe would that be fair.


I 100% agree. It's also horrible how women have to deal with biological men in changing rooms. As well as the fact that it undermines womens achievements by allowing men to compete with them.

 @9HJFPYC from Florida disagreed…6mos6MO

There is area for discussion here, but look at a sport like wrestling where they are categorized into weight and height classes. For Transgender athlete similar regulations could apply for fairness in the sport.

 @Liam_Hetland from Texas commented…6mos6MO

 @9HJF842 from Nebraska disagreed…6mos6MO

Just let people be people. If it doesn’t effect your life directly, don’t invade on other people lives.

 @Liam_Hetland from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

Except it does affect people’s lives directly. Many times over female athletes have been unfairly beaten out by biological men. There is an inherent difference in strength and more which causes extreme unfairness. People want to reduce womanhood to merely a label and it’s derogatory to real women.


Who cares. If a transgender person fully transitions they are that gender simple as that let them be it isn't affecting, you so shut up.

 @Liam_Hetland from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

Except it does affect people’s lives directly. Many times over female athletes have been unfairly beaten out by biological men. There is an inherent difference in strength and more which causes extreme unfairness. People want to reduce womanhood to merely a label and it’s derogatory to real women.


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