Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @86K29S9Libertarian from North Carolina commented…3yrs3Y

I know that there is a good chance that Larry Hogan, governor of Maryland, might be running for president in 2024. He is very moderate and very unifying. I would highly recommend for you to look in what he has done for the state of Maryland, especially as a republican that is governing a blue state. Let me know what you think of him!

 @8QK2L8Yfrom Maine commented…3yrs3Y

I'm not happy that the Democrat party finally went with Joe Biden, they should have got a person with better morals in my opinion. I am left-wing, but there are no candidates that appealed to me. The closest one was Howie Hawkins from The Green Party and yes I wish he was President. By the way, I'm an Independent. It seemed strange to me how all of a sudden Bernie Sanders got pushed to the side after doing unexpectedly and incredibly well

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Last activeActivity6 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias82%Active inPartyRepublicanLocationUnknown