Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9F76Q62Republican from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

If somebody you cared about was killed wrongfully you wouldn’t know because it be there word against yours

  @random17345  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

"Cameras also protect police by providing evidence that they have made a legal arrest or stop and that they followed the proper protocol. Not only can body cameras help both citizens and police officers, they can also help to improve the relationship between them." from "Who Do Police Body Cameras Help?" on

 @9M2KJ2C from Illinois agreed…1mo1MO

If there were no body cameras to view, it would be your word against an officer's word, making it almost unlikely you'd win the case. But with body cameras, it would show the truth and the truth alone, no manipulation or bribery. Body cameras are necessary to keep our society safe.

 @9L5TQ4M  from Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

While I don't have much evidence, I do know that many people would perform crimes if they knew nobody was watching. Who's to stop a crooked cop from accepting bribes or abusing his power when the evidence the crime occurred doesn't exist? Plus they already have qualified immunity, to get rid of body cams is to give them way too much power.

 @9GW4QKY from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

I would not be able to back up my topic. All I know is that there are people smarter than me who agree with me and have evidence and statistics. I'm not smart, but I think that the people meant to protect us killing us and getting away with it is bad. I think that we should be able to see what the people who represent truth and justice for our country are truly doing, since the evidence seems to show that they don't practice what they preach.
I dunno, I just think people getting killed in general is bad.


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