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Hvad er de potentielle samfundsmæssige konsekvenser af at legalisere assisteret selvmord for dem, der er uhelbredeligt syge?


Hvis du skulle sætte dig selv i en person med en dødelig sygdom, hvordan kan dit perspektiv på assisteret selvmord ændre sig?


Mener du, at smerte og retten til at undgå det bør indgå i legaliseringen af dødshjælp for uhelbredeligt syge patienter?


Hvordan kan kulturel eller religiøs baggrund forme ens mening om, hvorvidt assisteret selvmord skal være et personligt valg?


Hvad er dine tanker om balancen mellem livets hellighed og afhjælpning af ulidelig lidelse, når der ikke findes nogen kur?


Hvis en ven led uhelbredeligt, hvilket råd ville du så give dem om de valg, de har i slutningen af deres liv?


Kan du forestille dig en situation, hvor det at afslutte sit eget liv kan føles som en handling af medfølelse snarere end en forbrydelse?


Hvordan kan dine personlige værdier eller overbevisninger påvirke din holdning til, om individer skal have autonomi over deres eget liv og død?


Hvad synes du om ideen om at have retten til at vælge, hvordan ens liv ender, især i tilfælde af ekstreme, ubehandlelige smerter?


Hvordan ville du føle, hvis du havde magten til at afslutte en elskedes lidelse gennem en beslutning, velvidende, at deres tilstand er irreversibel?

 @Gramice1968fra Ohio besvarede…4 år4Y

Why can't a patient chose "Death With Dignity?" Each person can tolerate their own level of pain and quality of life. Just because the medical and pharmacological fields say they can extend a person's life with certain pills or procedures, that should NOT be the only option a patient has. I could never understand why it's acceptable to alleviate an animal's pain and suffering but humans feel possibly extending a patient's life is the only choice.

 @P9PJZJ fra Texas besvarede…4 år4Y

yes, but only if they have 0% chance of recovery and found to be of sound mental state

 @P36XWK fra Massachusetts besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, but only with strong controls in place to ensure that this is truly the patient's desire, that it be done under a physician's care, and that adequate legal protections for physicians who perform such a procedure.

 @P2RV4W fra North Carolina besvarede…4 år4Y

Its a combination of many things. One should not commit suicide but if they are in so much despair that they just cannot deal then maybe. That's a hard question and that person should be tested psychologically to be site they are of mental stability.

 @NXL9Q7 fra Texas besvarede…4 år4Y

I believe that a professing Christian should pray for strength to endure, and medical assistance should be provided by Hipprocratic Oath following, license physicians should administer same. I believe that Our GOD will NEVER put me in position that GOD does NOT ALSO PROVIDE support to remain true to my faith in HIM!!

 @NBWKJJ fra Arizona besvarede…4 år4Y

Who are we to tell people to suffer more if they so choose not to suffer until their terminal illness kills them?