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“I am opposed to abortion but think criminalizing it, sending mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses and others to prison would be cruel and impractical. Without imprisonment what sense would criminalizing it be? I am Catholic but don't agree with or believe the Church's ban on contraception. I think the Church's and other people's "just say no to unmarried sex" abstinence solution is naïve, simplistic and unrealistic. People who have sex who don't want to get pregnant should use the most effective birth control they can. Pregnant women who don't want to become mothers should be encouraged to give birth and give their children up for adoption. The Church's prohibition on abortion to save the life of the mother is absurd and medieval. Anti-abortion activists too often are political conservatives who don't want to help poor women with children with personal charity or government assistance. Their political and philosophical views perpetuate abortions as much as pretending its nothing. I don't think abortion can be ended. It should be limited as much as possible by persuading women not to abort.”

From a Green in Potwin, KS
In reponse to: What is your stance on abortion?

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