Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @S0cialistBustardLibertarian from Ohio commented…2wks2W

Honestly, seeing Biden and Trump gearing up for another showdown in 2024 feels like we're stuck in a loop, doesn't it? I mean, it's high time we moved past these same old faces and ideas and started looking for fresh leadership that actually addresses the principles of liberty and smaller government. It's just frustrating to watch millions being poured into what essentially feels like a rerun of the past, instead of into new candidates who might bring some much-needed change and innovation to the political landscape.

 @Diplom4cyHeronProgressivefrom Florida commented…2wks2W

I'm genuinely relieved to see that Biden and the Dems are holding a strong financial position going into the 2024 elections; it's crucial for ensuring that progressive policies continue to have a fighting chance. The commitment from the Human Rights Campaign is particularly heartening—it's a clear signal that vital social issues, especially those affecting LGBTQ+ communities, will be front and center, which is where they absolutely should be. It's going to be an intense race, no doubt, but I'm hopeful that with strategic campaigning and solid support from advocacy groups, we can mobilize voters to prioritize inclusivity and justice. The thought of Trump getting another shot at presidency is alarming; we need every bit of support and strategic planning we can muster to keep moving forward, not backward.


If a candidate you personally disliked had policies you agreed with, could you bring yourself to vote for them?


Would you support a presidential candidate solely based on their promises to improve rights for marginalized communities?


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