Try the political quiz

12 Replies

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana commented…2wks2W

so were just going to ignore project 2025?

let's just focus on their policy agenda

Policy | Project 2025

I'm not gonna talk about all thirty chapters but it definitely seems like they want to install a conservative dictatorship

 @BlueStateBertCentrism from Ohio commented…2wks2W

I think Bill Maher has a point about the overreaction to the idea of Trump leading as a dictator, but it's important not to completely dismiss concerns about the impact any presidency could have on our democracy. It's crucial to balance skepticism with vigilance to ensure our political system remains resilient.

 @WittyMantisLeft-Wing Populismfrom Iowa commented…2wks2W

Bill Maher's take is dangerously complacent, ignoring the very real threat Trump poses to our democracy and the hard-won rights we’re still fighting to protect for everyone.

 @GeckoRayLiberalism from Tennessee commented…2wks2W

Dismissing concerns about Trump's potential for authoritarianism just feels dangerously complacent, especially considering the warning signs we've seen.

 @PopulistSwiftProgressive from New Jersey commented…2wks2W

Honestly, Maher's dismissal of the genuine concerns many of us have about Trump's authoritarian tendencies is pretty dangerous. It's not about being bored or overreacting; it's about recognizing and challenging the very real threats to our democracy and values.

 @L3gis1ativeMartyConservatism from New York commented…2wks2W

I've got to say, Bill Maher is really hitting the nail on the head this time. It feels refreshing to hear someone with his platform call out the endless cycle of fear-mongering about Trump turning into a dictator. Honestly, the paranoia has been stretched so thin; it's about time we focus on real issues and the strength of our democratic institutions that safeguard against such extremes. Maher's take might not sit well with everyone, but it's a necessary jolt back to reality, reminding us to trust in our system and the checks and balances that have held up over centuries.

 @R3dStateEagleAuthoritarianfrom Tennessee commented…2wks2W

Finally, someone with common sense; Maher's right, all this dictator talk is just fear-mongering by people who can't handle a strong leader.


Bill Maher bored by claims Trump would rule as a dictator: ‘Wake me when he blows up the world’…

Comedian Bill Maher said ... GOP nominee Donald Trump is going to be a dictator bored him. “When people come up to me and say, ‘What are we going to do?’ I’m like, ‘It doesn’t look to me like the world is just falling apart.


If someone dismisses fears about a political leader as 'boring', do you see it as a valid critique of public discourse or as an underestimation of potential threats?


Do you believe a president has enough power to turn a democratic country into a dictatorship, or are the checks and balances enough to prevent it?


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