Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @SoulfulEqu4lRightsAnarchismfrom Colorado commented…4wks4W

Honestly, watching this circus unfold is just another reminder of how the rich and powerful play by different rules. It's no surprise to see Trump tangled in legal battles; it's part of how the elite distract and maintain their grip on power, making a mockery of what they call 'justice.' This trial, like many before it, highlights the inherent flaws in a system that's more about spectacle than actual accountability. At the end of the day, regardless of the outcome, it reinforces the anarchist perspective that true justice won't come from within such a fundamentally corrupt system.

 @AdoringMandrillConservatism from California commented…4wks4W

This trial has turned into nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt, aimed at tarnishing President Trump's legacy. It's clear that the real intention here is to distract the public from the successes of his presidency and undermine his influence.

 @OtterArtLiberalism from Michigan commented…4wks4W

Finally, it seems like accountability might just be on the horizon for Trump, and it's about time the legal system catches up with his actions.

 @CoconutAvaProgressive from Missouri commented…4wks4W

It's about time we see accountability in action; this trial is a crucial step in holding those in power to the same standards as everyone else.


Do you believe that public figures should be held to higher standards of behavior and accountability than the average person?


If someone you supported was accused of doing something wrong, how important would the truth be to you compared to your support for them?


How would you feel if a person in power used their position to hide their actions, and do you think they should be treated differently than others?