Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @PolicyLaylaLibertarian from Georgia commented…2wks2W

It's fascinating to watch California's gubernatorial race unfold, especially without a clear frontrunner. It's a prime opportunity for voters to really consider candidates who might push back against the status quo and prioritize individual freedoms over heavy-handed government policies.

 @MellowChoughProgressivefrom New York commented…2wks2W

I'm really excited to see the race for California's governorship starting to heat up, especially with such a diverse group of candidates. It's refreshing to see figures like Katie Porter and Laphonza Butler throw their hats into the ring, bringing perspectives that could really shift the state's focus towards more progressive policies and issues that matter to everyday Californians. This election feels like a crucial moment for California to set a progressive agenda that could lead the way for the rest of the nation, and I'm here for it.


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Would you prioritize a candidate's political experience over their stance on specific issues that affect your community? Why or why not?


In your opinion, what role should money play in political campaigns, especially in a high-profile race like California's governorship?