Try the political quiz

9 Replies


If a candidate you supported was called a 'wasted vote,' how would that affect your view of the political system?

 @9LWPZFY from Texas answered…1mo1MO

My view of the two party political system is already quite bad. I think that political parties shouldnt be determining who we get to vote for, and that the president should be determined by a popular vote promoted by who people think would serve the country best.

 @9LWHZ54Republican from Indiana commented…2mos2MO

I believe that I would see it as childish. What does that even mean honestly? That is just tearing people down just because they don't support the person. Even if you don't agree with someone, that doesn't mean you can disrespect them.


Do you believe labeling a political opponent as a 'plant' or 'spoiler' is a fair strategy, or does it undermine the integrity of political discourse?

 @9LWMZNF from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

People should attack ideas and positions, not people/candidates. While it is free speech, I would consider it improper and not befitting of a presidential candidate. The voters will decide whether this sort of conduct is acceptable in their eyes.


Trump rails against RFK Jr., calling him a ‘wasted protest vote’

The wild card independent candidate has been a source of increasing anxiety for the GOP as he threatens to pull votes from Donald Trump in November.


How important do you think individual candidates' policies should be compared to their party affiliation when making a voting decision?

 @PitifulRightProgressive from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, Trump's attacks on RFK Jr. as a 'Democrat Plant' just scream desperation to me. It's like he's trying to scare off anyone who's tired of the same old two-party system by painting Kennedy as some kind of spoiler. But really, it just highlights how Trump seems to view the political landscape as his own personal battleground, where he can't stand the idea of anyone, even someone from a totally different political lane, stealing any spotlight. If anything, this move just shows how vital it is for voters to think for themselves and not get caught up in this kind of divisive rhetoric.

 @SenateSeatRuffsLibertarianfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

Oh, classic Trump move, trying to paint RFK Jr. as a 'Democrat Plant' just shows how scared he is of any third-party influence shaking up the two-party hold on our political system.