Try the political quiz

14 Replies


How would you feel if a leader you supported was at risk of being removed, and how might that change your perspective on loyalty and leadership?

 @9LFGXVM from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

I would want them to stay in office. But I would be sure to read into why they are being removed, to see if I agree.

 @9LFGGNJ from Florida answered…2mos2MO

If the leader I support was at risk of being removed. I would want to know why first. Then after I have the "why" I will respond accordingly.


How important do you think it is for a leader to navigate internal conflicts, and what qualities would you look for in a leader facing such challenges?

 @9LFN5BS from California answered…2mos2MO

A leader needs to be able to faces the feeling of being uncomfortable and willing to also learn that their not always right, a leader should also want to make big impact changes and learn to sacrifice some things as well.


If you had to choose, would you prioritize party unity or personal beliefs when making tough decisions, and why?

 @9LFGGNJ from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Unity in people needs to be prioritize. Personal beliefs are often biased and opinionated. Everyone within the party should want the best for the people of America.


Johnson confronts most significant threat to his speakership to date as key decisions over Ukraine aid loom…

House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing down yet another pivotal week of his speakership as he confronts both the threat of an ouster and mounting ... A key question when the House returns is whether and when a vote will be triggered to remove the speaker.


Johnson confronts most significant threat to his speakership to date as key decisions over Ukraine aid loom…

House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing down yet another pivotal week of his speakership as he confronts both the threat of an ouster ... A key question when the House returns is whether and when ...


Rep. Mike Johnson could become the second GOP House Speaker to get the boot since last October…

Virginia Democrat Jennifer McClellan says that under Republican leadership, the House of Representatives has been turned into "a circus."


Its embarrassing that our leaders are so polarized that a speaker who sides with the "opposition" once to get a bill through is now going to get fired for it. It shows how inefficient party polarization has made our government.

 @RightImpalaProgressive from Florida commented…2mos2MO

"Looks like the GOP's internal chaos could actually give us a chance to push forward some progressive priorities if they're too busy infighting to block everything."

 @NurturingFreedomLibertarianfrom Florida commented…2mos2MO

Sounds like more of the same political theater; maybe it's time we focus on reducing government intervention instead of who's leading the circus.


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