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27 Replies

 @9H4V5LK from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I don't agree with this, because there is times where something goes wrong no matter how careful you were you still end up pregnant and if you know your not able to provide for a kid or give it the life it deserves then it wouldn't be right for you to bring that kid into the world. I also don't agree with this is because in a situation where there is an unwanted pregnancy and it happened due to a bad thing happening to you, then you most likely aren't going to want the child and I don't think it's right to force a woman to have a kid that was produced with an act of violence. I think everyone women should have a choice of what they do with their bodies and if abortion is needed because something bad happened or because you know you cant provide for the kid then nobody should be against it.

 @9H8BBWLWomen’s Equality from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because if you don't want a baby then put yourself in situations that could get you one. Abortions should be allowed to those in danger as well.

 @9H5F4GHRepublican from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

I AGREE, you knew what could happen and yes there are always accidents, but you messed around you found out. there is always adoption. also rape, if you have been rapped you can abort.

 @9H4X37Y from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

I somewhat agree with this. Abortion should never be seen as a plan b. Personally, I believe it should never be used whether it was your fault or not. Who are we to say whose life is more important or deserving? Who are we to say who a potential baby may become in the future? Why are eagles lives more protected than our own human lives?

 @9H5HLGG from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

i completely agree with this statement because we should no be allowed to just get rid of life because we slept with someone and ended up pregnant and didn't want the baby at the time

 @9H4WP8G  from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

No, because you should be able to do what you want with your body. Why should the government control what you do with your body.

 @9H4Y5KK from Indiana agreed…7mos7MO

Abortion should never be allowed under any instance once there is a fetus its a life and no life should be taken

 @9H6566Z from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

Leas than 1% of abortions happen in the 3rd trimester. 96% of abortions happen in the first and second.

 @9H5Y234 from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

I think having a baby as a punishment for unprotected sex doesn't make much sense. It's a child that will need to be supported either by the government or the parents for at least 18 years, and an unwanted baby will likely not get that support. The parent is not nearly as punished as the child, even if you think that having unprotected sex is worthy of punishment.

 @9H5M8HZ from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

everyone has a choice, you can have another baby but if you are going to die from that baby you dont get another life

 @9H4TMM9 from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

Some women can't handle the post-partum effects of pregnancy. It can ruin their mental health, driving them to suicide, and leaving the baby behind.

 @9H4TK2G from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

It is people's choice if they don't want to have a child and what they do with their money. And if they know they cannot afford a child they shouldn't have to have one

 @9H4VG27 from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Not all pregnancies are from consentual intercourse. Not all women are prepared to have a child yet, it will only lead to suffering for the child and mother.

 @9H4TYJVPeace and Freedomdisagreed…7mos7MO

People should have the right to choose weather they want to have a child or not. It is better a mother abort a child than have the child grow up in a negative enviornment. Plus, you never know what's going on in someone's life.

 @9H4TXBK from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

We have to remember that there is more grey area to this discussion, such as rape. Women should be allowed to abort their child if the father is a rapist. In addition, getting rid of abortion will change the U.S. from a democracy.

 @9H4TWV8 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

It doesn't matter the situation a woman should always have the right to do something to her body espically when it effects everything

 @9H4TNWD from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

Many people are unprepared for the repercussions of having a child, both mentally and financially. Many couples simply do not have the money or the want to have a child and with neither of those, who are you to force them to raise an entire human being.

 @9H4VXTHRepublican from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

I disagree. What about the women who are victims of rape and cannot deal with having the rapists child? What about the women who are financially unstable or living with dangerous/harmful people, should they be raising their child in that life and setting them up for failure? What about the women who do not want to have children and that child will be neglected and not loved?

 @9H4VHJCProgressive  from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

A rape victim could have a completely healthy pregnancy meaning they wouldn't qualify for an abortion. The victim didn't make any "mistake" as the situation was out of their control showing the flawed thinking of this mindset.

 @9H4WF9G from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

there are instances when you either thought you were ready to have a child but didn't think far enough in the future, but there is also more commonly when a woman is raped and in that instance if she were to become pregnant I would imagine that because it was not her choice, and she was forced, she would not want to keep the baby. The woman is not to blame and accidents can happen, so they should be able to chnage their mind or be able to 'deal with it' by having an abortion

 @9H4VPDN from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Women have the right to their bodies, if they are not ready to raise a child, they should not be obligated to.

 @9H4VKWDDemocrat from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

The idea that you are pro-life until it is a horrible situation is not a real stance because there are many different situations in which poor conditions or the inability to take care of a child is present. Those it may be an accident abortion is a way of dealing with it. One may know that they cannot take proper care of their child nor provide for them, causing the, to suffer.


Women should have the choice to abort if they want to because why should anyone take that away if you take away the right to abort then there will be many more unfit parents that neglect their child, also what if it was a baby conceived in a sexual assault case, you would really make the woman keep it.

 @9H5623JPeace and Freedom from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

I do not agree with that statement because Women can be raped, force insemination, and contracepts cannot work.

 @9H7R4K4 from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

You shouldn't be allowed to abort because it is a blessing to have someone of your kind. Throwing them away is a waste of time and energy.

 @9H7N3MYDemocrat from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because plan b can be used much before and it is way different than abortion because plan b presents the baby from the beginning to be born but abortion is getting rid of the baby's body.

 @9H5C768 from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Most people who would prefer pro-choice might regret doing abortion because they're killing their unborn children which they may never see the light of day and the mother should think smart about planning their parenthood.


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