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What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce th…

 @9GT4P67Socialist  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

IT IS NOT YOUR BODY. If it is not your body why should you get any amount of say to what they do to it. The government should not be allowed to dictate what you can & cannot do with your own damn body. This is crazy that it's even an issue.

 @9GT5GNY from Mississippi disagreed…7mos7MO

It is not just you. When you are pregnant, you are not the only person involved: you have another individual human being inside of you, with their own right to life.
Just because the child is attached inside of you does not mean it is not a separate person/organism. Conjoined twins are not one single individual, despite being attached, they are individual from each other. If one does harm to another it is still wrong, even if attached. If I swallow an animal or perhaps a person whole, they are not suddenly a part of me just because they are inside of me. Even if I attached them in such away that we shared a blood supply, they still would not be part of me, and to kill them would still be morally wrong.
To abort a child is to directly deprive them of their right to life, in other words, murder.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

You are forgetting about the right to consent. No one has the right to use your body without your consent, for any reason, including a fetus using you for pregnancy. You alone have the right to decide who can or cannot use your body, and if someone else violates that consent, then you have every right to stop them from doing so, even if that means they die. Because, again: they cannot use your body without your consent, and doing so is a violation of your bodily autonomy, hence why abortion is justified.