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21 Replies

 @9GG3JTXRepublican from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Regardless yes the situation the woman was put under is not okay but given that there is still a growing child that can be put in programs that can allow the child to have a ready parental figure rather than a young person who doesn't want the child.

 @9GFZVR3Republican from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

It's murder of a child no matter at any stage. Abortion should only be used in cases of rape and even then it should not be taken lightly.

 @EagerUnicorn from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

When discussing the issue of abortion, we're dealing with two separate lives - the mother and the unborn child.

From a biological perspective, life begins at conception. This is not a belief, but a scientific fact. From the moment of conception, the unborn child has its unique DNA, different from the mother's. Therefore, it's not merely "a nonverbal cell" but a distinct, growing human being.

I believe that all human beings have an inherent right to life, regardless of their size, location, level of development, or circumstances of conception. This principle of human rights doesn't discriminate based on these factors, and neither should w

 @Supr3meCourtPorpoiseRepublican from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

Every life, no matter how it begins, has inherent value. Should the child bear the consequences of the actions of the perpetrator? Isn't that another form of injustice?

 @9GG2RG9 from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

It is in the 10 amendments that tale shall not kill. Every Human Being has the right to live and have a successful life.

 @9GG283Y from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

It's what it will be and it develops a heart early in the process and killing it is like murder. unless it is a physical risk to the mother it should be allowed to live. If the mother doesn't want the child then someone else can just take care of them.

 @9GHBPLQ from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

That there is a life in there and killing that is wrong in many ways. It was the persons desctions to have that, but some times the women gets sexual abused and she gets to have a baby. Give it to a family that wants to have children. Don't kill something that has a chance at life.

 @9GHD9SX  from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

The situation is an awful situation of course, but that does not justify the death of another living being.

 @9GG53Q2 from North Dakota disagreed…8mos8MO

The amount of rape cases in the United States that result in pregnancy are so low that that argument isn't a major point to me. Just because something is nonverbal doesn't mean it's not living and does not mean it has no purpose or sense of being. She may have the child and the chance of her dying is so low that that statistic is irrelavent.

 @9GFZS6L from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

Especially in the later points of the development of the fetus, those who go with the Abortion Option are Murdering an almost fully developed human baby.

 @9GG2LGK from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

In any case where the life of the mother is in serious condition and there is zero medical chance that the mother survives then doing anything to keep the mother alive should be the top priority. If there is a chance that the mother can have the kid even after going through something as horrible as rape that child should still be brought into the world. The mother does not need to keep the baby after its birth but she does need to keep it in her womb and deliver it safely. Adoption is a very good system for these kids that were conceived due to such horrible acts and if the mother does not want to keep the child then it should be born and put up for adoption.

 @9GGHN5Z from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

In cases like this I believe abortion would be the right move so I feel that how to implement abortions should be different so not just anyone feeling like not taking a pile, a condom, or other ways of being safe can just face no consiquence.

 @9GGBDCV from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that circumstances like this abortion should be allowed but not when the baby is far along.

 @9GHKS48Republican from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

That is unfortunate at shouldn’t happen. But if and when it does, keep the baby and put him or her in foster care.

 @9GG2GKB from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

Rape is getting more common with it almost being a trend. If a child should have to suffer through birth and rape with could possibly kill them.

 @9GG25K5 from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Its gross this is happening. Suicides could go up. Lives could be ruined. Might as well do a raffle and whoever's name is pulled is forced to donate to a sperm bank and then raise the child alone. I mean really? Why is there not free healthcare, and therapy. Why do we even need insurance for healthcare. We shouldn't. If someone was truly pro life the second amendment would not cross many Americans minds many more people would take up adoption and many Americans would work towards a free healthcare system. But they don't because its literally just a attention grabber.…  Read more

 @9GG22RX from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Abortion should be a woman's right to decide what she wants to do with her body, except once that fetus has a fully functional body, then the mother cannot get an abortion.

 @9GH4BY6Women’s Equality from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

I completely agree. No one person or group of people should be telling anyone what to do with their body.

 @9GGXGFK from Rhode Island agreed…8mos8MO

Abortion should be up to the person, whether it's because they got raped, won't be able to support it, or some other reason

 @9GGTXRH from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I absolutely agree because the government isn't the person having to go through labor and possib1y having a c-section.

 @9GJB2ZV from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

If you are raped and impregnated held against your will. I support abortion. But if you have a dumb mistake and a man impregnates you, you shouldnt have an abortion


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