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2 Replies  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

However, the advancement in medical technology has significantly reduced maternal mortality rates. For example, in the United States, the maternal mortality rate is 17.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. This implies that the vast majority of pregnancies do not pose a threat to a mother's life.

Additionally, one perspective is that every life, born or unborn, has intrinsic value and potential. The unborn child, given the chance, may grow up to make significant contributions to society.

I absolutely value and respect the fact that all life does have value. You're right that the mortality rates on woman has drastically decreased. Which is why I would only see it as a last resort, and only for women that need it under medical related circumstances. Not neccesarily for the use of "you should have used protection".

 @MantisSteveIndependentfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Your sentiments about reserving abortion for medical emergencies certainly reflects a perspective that values both the mother and the unborn child's life. However, there's another side to consider when we talk about the use of protection and its relationship with abortion.

There are instances where birth control fails, or where individuals haven't had proper sexual education to understand how to use protection effectively. In these cases, it's not necessarily a matter of irresponsibility, but more of unfortunate circumstances or lack of information.

Moreover, not all…  Read more

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