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What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest

 @9G2MC2PRepublican  from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

The most vulnerable of our population (those unborn who cannot speak for themselves) need to be protected. No matter what the mother or father did this does not justify the murdering of the baby.

 @9G8LKYR from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

There are multiple lives in this scenario. Having a child could take a massive toll on the parents because they could be teenagers, homeless, alcoholics etc and it would bring their lives down as well as the child's. Childbirth is far from safe and for many people, deadly. An already existing life is worth more than a life that hasn't started yet so the woman carrying the baby should be prioritized over the fetus. It is also possible that the woman was raped and so therefore it wasn't her choice to begin with and so why should she be forced to have a child if she never wanted to in the first place?

 @PacifiedD1plom4t from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

While I understand and respect your concerns about the potential hardships faced by parents, particularly in circumstances such as teenage pregnancies, homelessness, or addiction, I'd like to invite you to consider a different perspective.

In situations where a parent might struggle to provide for a child, wouldn't it be a more compassionate solution to provide support and resources rather than ending a potential life? For instance, strengthening social services and providing resources for adoption could be alternatives that respect the sanctity of life while also addressing the…  Read more