Try the political quiz

Whom would you most like to run for President in 2024?

Donald Trump

 @NycumC03Democrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Lets me just put it bluntly! Trump is a misogynist and a racist! The way he talks about women is disgusting. He is know for lowering gas prices but in reality Obama did that! He also has no respect for minorities or the LGBTQ + community! Sorry it had to be said!

 @9FSXV2JLibertarian from California disagreed…8mos8MO

There is no evidence that Trump is either a misogynist or racist. He has helped and bettered the economy and speaks the truth whether or not that's what the people of America want to hear. He shows respect and love for all people group and allow pushed for gay marriage when joe biden and Obama didn't

 @9L6S69T from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Whats up brother. I steal from the homeless I take from the rich, I dont care thats what I do robbing hood robbing who I'm in your neighborhood robbing you that's what I do. CHECK CHECK TUESDAY.